Is there anything more annoying then a man who is bedridden for whatever reason? Yesterday they lasered one of his legs to get rid of a very bad varicose vein. Yes, with
laser technology. Not
stripped like they used to. Some tiny injections to numb the leg and within one hour he was back on the ward. With one heavily bandaged leg (he didn’t give a sound as the nurse expertly applied the bandage) he insisted on driving home himself (and I am such a good driver). As soon as the injections started to wear of the moaning set in. To make matters worse the bandages started to slip and yes, he decided to take them of and asked me to put them back the way they were. Hello! I am a woman of many talents, but a trained nurse I’m not. Not a clue as to how much pressure is right I started to tight, then it wasn’t tight enough. And all the while he groaned and moaned.
Now he drops his pants every five minutes to inspect his upper leg because he thinks it is way out of proportion. “Look” he said ”This is way bigger then the other one. Do you think we need to call the doctor?” He moans when het walks, sits down, gets up or even if he just changes positions on the couch. No man has ever suffred the way he does right now. If this continues he might have to call the men in white coats….for me
Heartless woman. You women just do not understand a man's pain.
@madpriest...you are right since there really is no pain, it is hard to understand..:)
My name is Dale and I am a wimp. There, I feel better already!
@dale, I am so happy I could contribute to your feeling good...:)
Its not that hard to understand... We all need attention to feel better. Okay, especially us men :) I dont know why it is, but it makes us feel better if you see our suffering... Also, we get to have you spending time with us. Thats a good thing!
i totally agree. of course, this is quite common knowledge among women....
Oh my gosh. Marloes, this is such a hoot! Men are babies. The most difficult patients I had were men. Oh they hurt somewhere all the time. Hahaha!
Proving my wimpiness, I wandered back through my archives to find this proof that I am a baby when sick Marloes. Hope you enjoy. Click click.
I dont know if its just because I am from South Africa, considered to be a hard and difficult place, but my wife has no sympathy if I am ill. She just ignores me. Over the years, I have also adopted that attitute toward her. Guess you can't but help picking up your partners traits after 23 years of marriage :) One thing is for sure, woman are emotionally stronger than men. We will curl up and die if the woman in our life passes away. Not a woman. She will continue to live and most times becomes someone different, more strong and sure. My father passed away a year ago and my mother has become more outgoing and independant than ever before. Does this say something I dont want to actually hear? P.S. We need a spell checker here. :)
@Dale, I am proud of you! thanks for sharing that url with me..:)
@marc, it's because women tend to try to please their men at all times. Once you kick the bucket it's time to please ourselfs again.
PS spell checker is for sissies, I don't mind a few mistakes, as long as all your i's are dotted and t's are crossed..:0
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