Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Ashes to ashes

Bonez log about Keith Richards snorting his father's ashes made me raise an eyebrow . What on earth did he think he would get out of it beside a very dirty nose? The biggest buzz ever? the ultimate high? However, there has been a case in Holland that might have escaped your attention. Andre Hazes, a very popular singer of what we call the “tearjerker” genre passed away a couple of years ago. Before his widow blasted his ashes into orbit in giant rockets, (he had always wanted to travel in space) she had bits of his ashes tattooed in her and their children’s bodies (an 11 year old girl and 7 year old boy!) . Ashes to ashes is starting to get a whole new meaning.


Anonymous said...

Madness! Pure madness!

Ces Adorio said...

Keith Richards looks dead already anyway!

Marloes said...

He is Ces, only he doesn't know it.

Beaman said...

He probably fears he is loosing his 'bad boy' image to a younger generation and turned a tale of throwing the ashes off a cliff in the wrong wind direction into something more interesting.

Thank you for the kind comment about my short story. :)

Marloes said...

You are most welcome Beaman, thank you for visiting

Bonez said...

Thanks for the nod to Bonez, Marloes. You never know which post is going to generate the most comments :)
Have a stupendous weekend holiday (I know most of you in NL are off on Monday, too).