Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Virtual hug

Mybloglog is a great way to find new logs and to meet new people. It has widened my horizon immensely. Just one click and a new world opens. This is how I got to meet David. He is a wonderful writer and I am always excited when I find new additions to read. Make sure to go and check him out!
He gave me a virtual hug in one of the comments and since this is a joyous day I’m returning it with this video. Free hugs (on this wet and bleak day) from Holland for all my readers. May it brighten your day

PS You are right David, this should bring a smile to everyone’s face.


Anonymous said...

What an excellent idea....free hugs for everyone who wants/needs them. Nice film. I'll visit David today, because if you recommend another blogger... it is always worthwhile.

Ces Adorio said...

Hello Marloes! Thanks for visiting my art blog. Ces And Her Dishes is now managed by a tempestuous woman named Ms. Wellesley. She debuted today. A virtual hug, I can't get used to that. I want real hugs :-)

David Hodges said...

Hey Marloes! You really know how to make a guy feel appreciated. Virtual hugs right back at you!