Monday, June 11, 2007


Every now and then I surprise myself by writing something that is so brilliant it almost takes my breath away. The work related letter I had to work on over the weekend was exactly as it should be. Sharp, to the point and not leaving anything to the imagination. It thrills me to bits when things come together. All the right statements made, every i dotted. Leaving no room for improvement.
The adrenaline it releases makes me feel on top of the world. I would love to be able to write like this all the time. Getting addicted to the euphoria of the moment.


Jenn in Holland said...

"thrills me to bits"
What a great phrase.

I dashed off an email yesterday that I was actually thrilled with. It was a scathing thing to a teacher who incited the MAMA BEAR response in me this week and who hasn't had the decency to return my calls to talk about it.
And I am happy because usually when I lash out like that I feel guilty immediately for doing so, but this time I don't. I am still thrilled with this letter I wrote, because it was succinct and it was what she needs to hear.
I like it when I can get my emotion out without having it spill over the edges.

Dazd said...

That's what I like about blogging, even if my post is great writing or a humorous post that brings peoples positive comments, it's a feeling that one cannot deny.

Dondi Tiples said...

Yes, isn't it great when a piece of work or a turn of phrase comes out really well? You can almost feel that fulfillment of creation.

I've been enjoying your Self Reflections series. Wonder when part III is coming out. I am a-quiver with suspense.

Marloes said...

I hear you Jenn. The MAMA BEAR in me has been challenged a lot in the childrens early years. I too, try to contain my emotion but the sharpness sometimes cut deep.

@dazd, isn't that what it is all about?

@ Dondi, these things can't be rushed. I can go for days without inspriration and then I seem to write endlessly on another. It will happen though.

jennifer said...

I know exactly the feeling you described so well. I think all of my best work is done in a flash- the rest is just fluff

Beaman said...

It is a wonderful feeling. One that is highly addictive.

I wish I had that 'euphoria' now, I'm stagnant in writer's block at the moment. :(

kj said...

marloes, i know what you mean, like the 'ping' of a tennis ball hit just perfectly (not that i play tennis!)

i left you a comment on your self reflections 2 post.

Marloes said...

@ Jenn...and once agin we are on the same wavelength..:)

@ Beaman, don't worry, it happens to all of us and Im sure your inspiration will return. I find that in times of stress (emotional or otherwise) I write even better then in times when things just sail along.

@kj, noted and replied..:)

Ces Adorio said...

I like moments like those. Start singing: "I believe I can fly"